Our Purpose
We hope one day to form a closer relationship in our market
We aspire not to offer just our ideas but a strong collaboration of the underground community. There is a hopeful opportunity, as times change, to join a once impossible market that rarely has opened up to newcomers. Giving fresh ideas a chance to flourish; however because the door ahead of us is so slim many in the underground go it solo. It is my belief that to move forward we must pit a united front. I aspire this spec on the net to one day become the hub for such a united collaboration. We genuinely hope viewing our ideas will open up a channel to many contributors. That we will one day accompany to usher in a new age of geek culture to the for front.
Our Goal
Right now its just an art gallery and ideas but that isn't what we hope for the future
As we get closer to finalizing our core idea for a possible company. We plan to pursue crowd funding to supply the funds needed to legally protect ourselves and our contributors. Unfortunately this forces us to remain secretive on revealing any story content that could be copy-written. Despite the obvious dangers we offer this gallery in a daring bid to interest other artist to join with our work.
Currently we remain with the limitations of working with local artist and trusted colleges. but with funding we plan to expand to as many as will gather. In an enviroment that nutures creative ideas and finacial growth.
Moving Forward
We have a strategy for the future and with funding we can get there if it works...
We definitely are not planning to remain just a gallery. The idea is to one day offer a members area/store that could keep the viewer engaged with not only the work but the artist.
Currently their are plenty in the market that are already moving forward on the similar Models. That being said we hope to be going one step further by aspiring to offer a variety of mix-media art all made by original artist.
New stories, new protagonist, new antagonist, new video productions, original spins on old mechanics, New places to imagine, and Original ideas to be astounded by.
We truly hope that you have enjoyed our gallery and glimpsed our vision of a new possible hub for underground entertainment.