They're things you should know, but they can also be kinda... weird. Or at least, they might be weird from your perspective. Whatever that is. They make a lot of sense from mine.
Sometimes. Usually.
Anyway, this is where I'm going to be posting some articles, papers, and even research notes that I have lying around my workshop that'll explain some things for you. I got... several boxes of the things, so might as well make 'em useful.
Here's the first one, from one of Professor Zane Lassiter's own unfinished reports that I borrowed (and copied, don't tell him, he's weird about his notes staying secret).
(Excerpt from Zane Lassiter's report on the Fundamental Nature of Reality)
To think of this world as a physical place is only half correct. It'll usually get the average person through their day without any issue, but to truly grasp what this world, what this universe really is... is something that I'm still struggling with, even after all these years.
There are two things that you need to be able to wrap your head around to even begin to understand how this world works. The first one you may have already heard of, it's a belief called panpsychism, that every single bit and bolt of this universe, no matter how small has some minute iota of consciousness to it. In essence, that consciousness is a fundamental building block of our reality.
The second is that the dimensions we know of as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions (that is length, width, and height), are not the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, but the 4th, 5th, and 6th. What are the first three then? Nothing but the different layers of consciousness, as Freud put it, the Id, the Ego, and the Super-Ego.
I know many of Freud's methods and ideas are no longer relevant or even accepted, but the comparison holds merit either way.
Surely, if these low dimensions exist, they're invisible to us, but they still effect us in massive and undeniable ways. Any entire world exists within those low spaces, locked away behind a lock made of a crushing, ever-present, and omni-directional gravitational force. A realm of creatures of pure thought and energy.
The energetic realm... or the spirit side, for those of you with a predisposition to the more fanciful. But no matter what you call it, if you have the key to that realm... then you're nothing sort of superhuman.
Oh Lassiter... you're such a card. He's always writing things so dramatically. Well, the man's a certified genius, and a damned skilled artificer, so I guess he's earned the right to be a little dramatic.
I'll find some more interesting things to show you, just wait.